Hundreds of millions of people around the world suffer from insomnia on a daily basis. But what is sleep insomnia? What can be done about sleep insomnia? Persistent sleeplessness leads to physical and mental exhaustion, which results in poor performance, difficulty concentrating, irritability and tension. Sleeping pills can be a quick solution, but they are still medicines, and they do not treat the underlying problem, the cause of insomnia, only the symptom. Experts often recommend music therapy, meditation or even biofeedback therapy for insomnia.
Sleep insomnia symptoms
Sleep insomnia is basically a sleep disorder where falling asleep is difficult, continuous sleep may not be achieved, early awakening may occur or the inability to fall back asleep.
Overall, this causes poor quality sleep that does not result in the regeneration of body and mind that our body needs every day.
An adult human sleep requirement is 7-9 hours on average, but it is important that this is not done in a superficial way or in several parts, as sleep will not achieve its restorative effect.
The most common symptoms of sleep insomnia are:
- constant feeling of tiredness, weakness, malaise
- memory loss, poor concentration
- poor performance at work or school
- reduced energy levels
- lack of motivation
- daytime sleepiness
- irritability
- mood disorders
- daytime nodding off
- headaches, indigestion, blood pressure problems
- tension
What causes sleep insomnia?
The causes of insomnia can be all over the place. Some people are constantly preoccupied with tasks that need to be done and can’t sleep, others suffer from insomnia because of worries, and some people may be suffering from insomnia because of a regular medication.
The causes of insomnia can be:
- worries, stress
- stress, anxiety, fears
- stressful life situations
- inadequate sleep hygiene (multi-shift working, excessive caffeine consumption during the day, phone calls at night, poor sleeping conditions)
- weather conditions (too hot, too cold)
- anxiety, depression
- side effects of certain medicines
- hormonal problems
Biofeedback therapy for sleep insomnia
If you are suffering from insomnia, it is worth visiting a specialist somatologist who can help you identify the causes of your sleep disturbance and set up a treatment plan. If someone has an underlying condition causing insomnia, perhaps a psychological problem, this should be treated as a priority and treatment can help to stop the insomnia.
Almost everyone asks the question, what can we do about insomnia? Insomnia is a problem that makes everyday life difficult, and we can help by making some lifestyle changes, or by trying new alternative therapies such as biofeedback!
Get regular exercise, drink enough fluids during the day and eat a balanced and varied diet! Avoid drinking too much caffeine during the day, preferably with pure water or herbal teas.
Create the right conditions for ideal sleep in the bedroom at home, such as a clean, tidy bedroom, a comfortable mattress, fresh cotton sheets, airing before going to sleep and so on.
1 hour before going to bed, stop looking at the phone or watching TV and find the best deep sleep music for insomnia and listen to it softly as background noise. This will also help you relax, as will a few drops of essential oil in the bedroom.
Music therapy and biofeedback are the best alternative methods for insomnia. There is a wealth of sleep music for insomnia on video-sharing channels, which can help you fall asleep and reduce the number of awakenings. It is no coincidence that lullabies have been and are still being used by mothers to lull their children to sleep.
Since many insomnia sufferers are overly stressed and agitated, participating in biofeedback therapy can help patients learn what physiological factors are interfering with their sleep. This can help them develop skills to calm their own minds, relax themselves and promote restful sleep.
Biofeedback therapy for insomnia can be used by almost anyone, with no side effects, painless therapy that can help you gain skills that will have a positive long-term impact on your quality of life.
With biofeedback, you can get feedback on your body’s physiological functions and learn to regulate them. We can control our own healing, stress levels and quality of life.